

It was a multi-tasking, task-switching kind of week

from Idleberry’s Photostream on Flickr
(copyright used with permission of artist)

First, I skipped work for a field trip with Leroy’s class on Tuesday (click for slideshow):

Okay, back to work…

Links for Third Grade: VoiceThread This is a Voice Thread that I’ve done for the third grade Money unit in Open Court. Rather than doing the Concept Quesiton board (KWL in Open Court), I put up pictures with audio prompts, and have students leave comments. I’m currently supervising the commenting, to both monitor and introduce the interface.

Assignment #23: A new unit about a new nation — Fifth Grade Blog Here is the VoiceThread that I’m doing for the fifth grade Making a New Nation unit in Open Court.

Next, on Diigo, I set up a grade level account, and had student highlighting and summarizing, here are some examples:

Medical Transportation Methods

This is a diagram of a train car that was converted from passenger operation to carry wounded soldiers to a large general hospital in a large city.

  • Jennifer They carry soidiers to the hospital. – post by orefourth2007

The Human Heart: An Online Exploration from The Franklin Institute, made possible by Unisys Annotated

  • cristina It says that when you are born your heart starts puping you breth but when you die it stops puping. – post by orefourth2007

I’ve updated the family site with pics if you’re interested.

5 Comments to


  1. February 27th, 2008 at 6:23 pm      Reply Vincent Baxter Says:

    Innovative use of voicethread. I enjoyed the field trip slideshow–I think I’ll try something similar for a virtual tour of our school. Check us out through http://thedeputyhead.com

  2. March 2nd, 2008 at 1:00 pm      Reply PDonaghy Says:

    That’s a great picture for multitasking 🙂
    PS: you might be interested in adding your blog information to the new searchable International Edubloggers Directory at http://edubloggerdir.blogspot.com

  3. March 2nd, 2008 at 8:17 pm      Reply alicemercer Says:

    Okay, MY VERY BAD, the credit for that photo did not come through:
    Thank you idleberry!

  4. March 3rd, 2008 at 9:57 am      Reply idleberry Says:

    hi there

    donæt worry about it. I actually changed the rights on all my photos two days ago, which was after this photo was taken. You’re welcome to use it, since you asked permission and you credited me.

    best wishes


  5. March 3rd, 2008 at 10:14 am      Reply alicemercer Says:

    Thank you idleberry, it is a very unique photo and was quite appropriate to the situation.

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All of Ms. Mercer's work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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