Fall CUE: Creating Movies to do English Language Development in ELs and Other Students
This presentation will take place Saturday October 27 at 1:30 pm at the Fall CUE conference (more info here)
Thanks to my small but loyal group of participants. I’ve updated the links to include those from a session that Cheryl Sawyer did earlier on Digital Storytelling.
Links for Presentation:
- The Best Places Where Students Can Create Online Learning/Teaching Objects For An “Authentic Audience” | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
- Mathtrain.TV student math videos screencast education learn kids teach marcos
- BlogWalker – A Case for Filmmaking in the Classroom – 5 years later
- Video in the Classroom.com
MORE links to story-making sites via Cheryl Sawyer:
and some I’ve used:
Scholastic Stacks Make a Goosebumps Graphix
So sorry I didn’t make it to your session, Alice. Fall CUE was one of the fastest-moving conferences I’ve ever attended!