But, I’m not a racist!


Just to put recent events in their proper context, let’s take a look at how white education “reformers” (female and male) in charge of low SES/high minority districts see their charges, I bring you Cami Anderson, superintendent of the Newark New Jersey school district.

For years, because of the annual New Jersey Educational Association Convention in Atlantic City, NPS closed its doors so teachers could attend. Families lost valuable classroom time and with too many young people idle, crime went up…
via Bob Braun’s Ledger

The letter also tries to imply this is a meeting for a union that Newark teachers don’t even belong to. Just to clarify, The NJEA Convention is a long-standing educational conference that offers professional development. I’ve followed it via Kevin Jarrett’s posts for years. But, even if it was a union meeting with lots of cigar smoke, booze, and what-not, her comment would still be racist. I’m mad at Arne Duncan for his misogynistic comments about white women like myself. Unfortunately, there have been so many whack comments like the one above over the years, I’m at the point of just shaking my head in sadness. The idea of having someone like this in charge of the education of the children is appalling and should offend our sense of decency as much or more than Duncan’s psycho-gyno analysis.

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