Thank you Flowing Data!
Which offered to send a copy of their awesome looking (and thinking) prints on the state of education to a public school or library if folks would buy one set for themselves. I asked if my school could receive them, and Dan Warren offered to pay for it. BIG kuddos for Dan for making this kind and generous offer. Here they are in situ in our cafeteria:
I hope this not only introduces the idea of the importance of education AND good design to my students.
CORRECTION: Fixed link to Flowingdata.
Very happy to help!
I myself dropped out of high school at fifteen and worked a series of awful jobs before going to college. I’ve since gotten a Ph.D. in biology from a first-rate institution (UCD). I’ve seen firsthand the difference an education can make in a person’s life: my job satisfaction, my prospects for the future, and, yes, my income have all increased enormously, and my life has been enriched in various other ways too numerous to mention. If there’s even a slight chance that something like this will push a student closer to pursuing an advanced education, it’s money well spent indeed!
Thank you so much. Those posters came just after I was sharing census graphs on lifetime earnings based on education level so I hope it will help, Go Aggies!