Standardized Tests


Since it’s the start of testing in many states, the ire is rising. I won’t actually start testing until May (California tests late).

Tom’s post above is very heartfelt, and I’ve had my on musings on this subject. I think we have to have some accountability and assessment, I just wish is was more authentic than bubble in tests.

Unlike Tom, I wonder not if we are spending too much on testing, but if we are not allocating enough resources to assessment, so we are trying to do it as cheaply as possible. This means bubble tests instead of writing or even better, portfolios. I baseĀ it on a this article dh (dear husband) sent me from the CNN site. I think testing companies are making a lot of money (certainly more than they were before NCLB), but it’s money poorly spent, and I wonder what we are really getting for it.

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