Alice’s Restaurant @ EarthCast08


I’ve been slow posting this here in the hurly burly that has been my life lately, but here is an excellently received interview with my husband. Due to my pig-headedness, he is not “Mr. Mercer” (I made him keep his “maiden name” when we wed 21 years ago), but is Mr. Terry Preston.

I am not at all objective about Terry talking because the first thing I noticed about him was his voice when we met about 25 years ago (it was like a waterfall of honey to my ears). But, according to others who were listening, he has lots of great things to share about getting a walk to school program going, and how to deal with obstacles to said programs. Lots of great organizing lessons there (some that can be applied to implementing tech in schools). So, here’s Terry…

EarthCast08: Alice’s Restaurant

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