Subverting the dominant paradigm…Week in a paragraph


Sorry Kevin, I can’t play by the rules. I know, I know it’s supposed to be “A Day in a Sentence”, but let’s face it, it’s been subverted and bastardized from the beginning. It’s done weekly, and so has been more of a reflection on a week, than a single day. It’s also been a haiku, which is short, but not a sentence.

I think we’ve all grown, and developed enough that we are ready to move on to the next level, the paragraph, and to move up to the next date increment, a week. So, without further ado, here is Week 16 in a Paragraph (the meme formerly known as Day in a Sentence). I’m asking for 3 to 5 sentences about how your week went. Submissions will be due on Saturday at 8 a.m. PDT, and posted here Sunday at 6 p.m. PDT.

It’s just for one week, and if you can’t manage more than a sentence, call it a microparagraph. Sorry, Kevin, [some] rules were meant to be broken.

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How about this?


Team WhiteBoarding with Twiddla – Painless Team Collaboration for the Web


Is a new tool for collaboration on line

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Yosemite trip


I don’t always put up family pics here, but I recently went on a day trip to Yosemite. Since it is a popular destination for anyone traveling to California (it makes up one point on the California triangle that Europeans take through here: Disneyland, Yosemite, San Francisco). I wanted to share some tips for traveling here, since it can be grueling especially in summer (which is definitely high season). First, if you are going anytime between Memorial Day (end of May) and Labor Day (beginning of September), you and what will feel like half the planet will be there. When you go to any place, especially to high demand sites, get there before 10 a.m. to beat the crowds. Many people will want to climb half-dome, or climb the Mist Trail (to Nevada/Vernal Falls), or the Yosemite Falls trail. If you have children under the age of 12 (or any age really) who are not gung-ho hikers, this will not be a pleasant experience. These are extremely vertical, and you will definitely have a sense of accomplishment (and exhaustion) at the end, but it’s a lot of work, and may not be worth. There are other possibilities.Try to get out early to Bridal Veil Falls to beat the crowds. It’s the most accessible of the falls. Then, go to Happy Isles. First, it has a really nice nature center with great displays, and crafts for kids. There are a series of trails, some of which lead to the Mist Trail (to Nevada and Vernal Falls). The Mist Trail will be crammed with hundreds of people, trying to get up the trail. If you want to instill a love of nature in your kid, going up a vertical incline with hundreds of other sweating, panting humans is not likely to do it. Yes, it’s beautiful at the end, but there are still hundreds of people there at the first falls (Vernal). On the other hand, Happy Isles trail is flat, there aren’t a lot of people (cause they are all huffing up the Mist Trail), and it winds around the Merced River. I noticed too that it let my son move through an area, exploring the different nooks and crannies. The fall trails are much to vertical and narrow to allow this exploration. If one of the members of your party is hell bent on going up the trail, you can spend the day down at Happy Isles while they make the climb.

Once June rolls around, it heats up during the day. The way to deal with this, is to rent a raft, or just go down to the river during the day. This also has the advantage of getting you off the trails during the heavy use times in the middle of the day (although I should warn you, the river will not be empty).

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Testing Splashr Slideshow


Here are some pics from Flickr using the Splashr iframe slideshow to test how edublogs handles iframes now that they’ve unblocked them.

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CUE 2008, Here I come


I will be going to the CUE (or Computer Using Educators) conference in Palm Springs. I’ll be getting up very early Wednesday to leave so I can attend another un-conference from Classroom 2.0, EdubloggerconWest.

In addition to getting a haircut, I’ve been doing other things to prepare:

Pageflakes – Language Development

  • Here is the PageFlake for my proposed presentation on Language Development for ELLs and Special Education Learners using Web 2.0.

edubloggercon ยป SocialBookmarking

  • And my stuff for a presentation on Diigo.
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