
A routine has settled with the class, but all is not perfect, which is as one would expect at this point. Still the signs are good. I feel like there is a good base to build on with this group. The class is both productive and both want to learn and please me (not a requirement on my part–but still pleasant). Here is what happened:
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In Dangerously Irrelevant: Great education podcasts meme Scott McLeod kindly asks for my input on great education podcasts, here they are:
1. The CommonCraft Show | Common Craft – Explanations In Plain English
- Since I have to pick one, I’d say the Social Bookmarking in Plain English, but ANYTHING done by Lee LeFever at Common Craft is worth watching, and they are so short and sweet. Jewels they are!
2. Podcast175: Strive to Engage Not Enthrall ยป Moving at the Speed of Creativity
- I love this podcast on engagement. Wes is the ONLY person who can effectively quote Paparet and others without sounding like a wonk (or an supercilious boob). Maybe it’s the folksy accent? I don’t know, but it works.
3. Will Richardson at UPEI New Media Institute
- I’m going to include the link to the for this because it’s the part about 26 minutes in that is FANTASTIC! He shares a classic MySpace page as an example of why we need to teach digital literacy/etiquette to our students. Once again, you can’t go wrong with anything on Ed Tech Talk and WorldBridges.
4. Class Discussion from Fifth Graders
- This is my favorite recording of a class discussion from my class last year. This centered around a story about a family of Jews leaving Tsarist Russia during the pogroms. The students really focused in on tying it to their own families experiences. It was especially rewarding to hear African-American students questioning their Mexican-American peers about their family experiences crossing the border, since these are groups usually pitted against each other economically.
5. Alice’s Restaurant with Lisa Parisi on Special Education Perspectives | The Webcast Academy
- I know, I know, it looks like self-dealing putting up a podcast that I myself did, BUT I am including this because I learned something valuable doing this, and I think others will too. This is a discussion with Lisa Parisi and Christine Southard, team teachers in a full inclusion classroom (both special education and regular ed students), with Glenn Moses and myself (parents of special education students). Since inclusion has not yet come to my district I learned a lot about what this can look like, AND it has inspired me. One of the neatest things I’m doing this year is when I have a class of emotionally disturbed students (who are in a separate class) in the lab with a regular third grade class. I am really trying to blend the two classes together, so that the kids get some time in a “normal” class. My district is slated to switch over to a push-out/inclusion model, so this should be valuable experience. Thanks Lisa and Christine for inspiring me. I would also recommend this as a resource to understand parent perspectives with Special Education.
Tag to the following:
Glenn Moses
Lisa Parisi
Kobus van Wyk
Jose Rodriguez
Michaele Sommerville
The rules: Participate if you wish or have time, add one or more links to podcasts about education that you find interesting. I’ve added these names because I am genuinely interested in what your listening to.
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