Posts tagged with iste

Live from ISTE 2012


I will be covering ISTE 2012 via Twitter, my feed should show up below. Reflection posts should go up daily. My photos from ISTE 2012 Links Final Reflections on ISTE 2012 My post on ISTE Day Two My post on ISTE Day 1 My post on ISTE Opening Keynote featuring Sir Ken Robinson Reflections on […]

San Diego, here I come!


Just added 6/19/2012  Even though the weather in San Diego will be balmy, all conference centers seem to be kept frigid. Bring a light sweater or wrap that you can take on and off, and won’t take much space to deal with unexpected “arctic” conditions. ================================ I’ve managed to cobble together going to ISTE at […]

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Reflections on Day Three at NECC 2009


This conference had a rough start, as I had problems with each of the sessions/events I attended. I’m happy to report that two of my favorite sessions occurred on the last day. Chris Lehmann on UBD NECC 2009 Attendees | Program | School 2.0: Progressive Pedagogy and 21st-Century Tools UbD21C – home Practical Theory Presenter: […]

Reflections on Day Two at NECC 2009


The Great Debate Video: NECC 2009 Tuesday Keynote: Debate and Dialog | ISTE Connects – Educational Technology Video: Post Debate Interviews | ISTE Connects – Educational Technology Live Blog I participated in RESOLVED: Brick and mortar schools are detrimental to learning. This was not much of a “debate” since one of the guys who argued […]

Why did you come to NECC?


The tools When you are at NECC, sometimes you miss things that happen, and only catch them in passing from the comments of others. Comments about some tweets seem to be making the rounds and focus on the idea that this NECC just doesn’t have any new cool tools coming out of it. Since I’ve […]

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All of Ms. Mercer's work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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